Music is in the air, as they say. So it is only fitting that this Spring, San Francisco Mandolin Orchestra’s program theme is “Wind,” a celebration of wind- and air-themed compositions.
“Wind” and music go together. Music, after all, is created by the movement of air, an invisible breeze that blows between performer and audience. It comes from wind chimes and Aeolian harps. It comes from wind instruments of all kinds. And it comes from mandolins and guitars, whose strings send vibration through in air, create their own special magic.
Join us this Spring for our wind-themed program, which includes:
- Vivaldi’s Primavera (“Spring”) from The Four Seasons, featuring Achille Bocus, mandolin soloist.
- Bach’s Orchestral Suite No. 2, BWV 1067 (excerpts), featuring Susan Pursey, flute soloist, and Air on a G String, BWV 1068.
- Mozart’s Symphony #29, KV. 201 (in which the orchestra will be joined by wind instrument players).
- Respighi Ancient Airs and Dances.
- …and much more.
Make plans today to attend one of these three concerts:
Palo Alto:
Sunday, May 12 (Mother’s Day!) at 400pm
All Saints Episcopal Church
555 Waverley Street, Palo Alto
Map | Tickets | Facebook Event
Saturday, May 25 at 400pm
Piedmont Center for the Arts
801 Magnolia Avenue, Piedmont
Map | Tickets | Facebook Event
San Francisco:
Sunday, May 26 at 500pm
Mission Dolores Chapel
320 Dolores Street, San Francisco
Map | Tickets | Facebook Event
Concerts are family-friendly. Admission is $20 general, $15 student/senior, and free for children 12 and under. Tickets may be purchased at the door, or at our ticketing site: Brown Paper Tickets. As always, you can read about the orchestra at www.sfmandolin.org and connect with us on Facebook.